Gozo Retreat Saturday 29 October – 5 November 2022
It’s looking like a go for this autumn, direct flights are beginning to go from Scotland again, we’re keeping an eagle eye on prices and availability.
You will see here a short video showing the accommodation we will be staying in. I will finalise costs as soon as I have received a quote for transfers to and from the airport.
‘Dream’ really is that, as you will see from the short video included here. Two previous attenders have already confirmed they want spaces, there are 10 spaces in total.
If you have a partner who’d like to come along and not do the yoga that’s fine too, it’s not compulsory.
We encourage people not to use electronic devices in the communal spaces giving everyone a chance to unplug and enjoy the peace.
The village we’re staying in Ghasri (pronounced Azree) is tiny, very quiet … Rebeca knows the way to the beach after an intrepid expedition the last time we were there! The main town Victoria is a safe and pleasant 25 minute walk away, there is also a pretty regular local bus service.
We provide:
Transfers to and from the airport on Malta and a short trip from there to Gozo by local ferry and hire car
Two classes per day
A good breakfast every morning and dinner on the first evening
Fruit, water, juices other snacks are available all day.